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OMG! Zika is now the

latest International

Emergency to feed the

CDC and Pharma $$$$

- a nice cover for

distracting attention away from rampant pesticide use in Brazil and the inappropriate administration of vaccines to pregnant women


Update May 2017

Zika in Mosquito Country west of NE Brazil is still prevalent,

yet there is no longer an emergency. There are fewer cases of birth defects,

especially the microcephaly kind.


So what does this ALL mean. Do we still need a Zika vaccine?


When not a single American has been hospitalized for Zika-induced health

issue, nor has new babies been born with shrunken heads.


$1.4 billion. And in the end Zika caused none of the issues in Brazil,






What is the WHO and CDC. covering up with the Zika smokescreen?

  • 2012 DTaP vaccine given to pregnant women (approved by CDC, WHO before safety trials began--emmm, that's interesting)

  • 2012 Oxitec pilot study of the Frankenstein lab Mosquitoes (the first trial of its kind in the world)

  • Glyphosate with those Franken-Mosquitoes feasting on sugar cane, as Dr. Stephanie Seneff theorized

  • Larvicide or other pollutant from Big Chem

  • Combo of the above

And outside of the Atlantic magazine, where is the MSM covering this story? Or was it MSM's job to hoodwink the American people to allow Obama-Fauci-Freiden to rob the taxpayers of $1.4 billion for a vaccine no one will ever need.


 It's a stunning collapse as a news story and pandemic threat together and completey

Update February 2017

  • Translations of some excerpts Jan /22 / 2016: " According to HARVARD

  • educated Brazilian Dr. Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho

  •  " The current state of 15 cases per day of MICROCEPHALY in

  • Pernambuco ( BRAZIL) is RELATED to DTP VACCINATION, Dtwp

  • (and its other acronyms) for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, administered

  • to all pregnant women from the sixth month of pregnancy. (As of 2014)

  • ( At first he noted MMR but later DTP.)

  • View CHARTs and STUDIES below as he quotes: --…
Translated Quotes from Dr. P Bezerra Filho below : 
( Formal ) SUMMARY OF COMPLAINT: by Dr. Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho, PhD Postdoctoral fellow by the American universities of Harvard, Washington University in St. Louis and North Carolina State University; Doctorate from Washington University in St. Louis; Master and Bachelor of Physics by UFPE; Practice areas: MRI, with work in neurology, prostate, Solid State Physics, among others.


" The crisis of microcephaly (MC) that arose in the state of Pernambuco, with a peak of cases in November 2015, is not due to ZIKV virus and is not an epidemic. Four main facts-because there are and clearly explain the data, case numbers and periods of notifications.

The data that I report here and analyze are in the public domain, in the press and the Ministry of Health and can be checked. I was not allowed access to the most comprehensive official data and accurate, which, in my view, would make this complaint even more evident by pulling back the peak of microcephaly in Pernambuco back in time in a month or more. Me I stick the state of Pernambuco, a large part of this complaint, it is what has made public data more fully and is also the starting point of the compulsory notification of MC in Brazil.

4 facts-because that explain the chart temporal behavior that are present:

  • A) The peak number of cases in Pernambuco corresponds to a first trimester of pregnancy between January and April 2015 with microcephalic births. This is due to the vaccination of women of childbearing age against measles with the MMR vaccine containing the live virus rubella. In Ceará, this measles vaccination in women in fertile period with the MMR vaccine continued until mid-April;


  • B) The alarming number of cases that begin to appear in August-October 2015, causes compulsoriedade by the Ministry of Health, microcephaly notification throughout the country. The obligation to notify the Ministry of Health increases the peak and extends the graphical curve around its maximum;


  • C) The cause which led to the peak of cases of microcephaly in November 2015, the data for Pernambuco, is thin and is replaced today by another fact-cause although present in the initial notification was little evident. In November 2014, the Ministry of Health includes vaccination Difiteria, Tetanus and Pertussis prenatal protocol pregnant women in the LAST trimester of pregnancy, from the sixth month of pregnancy .; and


  • D) The peak of dengue cases in the state of Pernambuco is between March 20 and April 10, 2015 and would require, by association, since we have the same mosquito vector, a peak in microcephaly chart between late December and early January 2016 and not in November 2015 as we had. This, by itself, pose possible effects of ZIKV like microcephaly-causing in minor and not as the main cause of microcephaly."

  • (HIS) "RECOMMENDATIONS to stop any vaccination of pregnant or young people in the fertile period in all Brazil. " 

  • (HIS FULL Quote) = "CONCLUSION: By that show, the causes that provoked and provokes the large number of cases of microcephaly in Pernambuco are associated with vaccines 

  • a) DPT mistakenly administered to young people in the fertile period

  • b) The vaccine used to whooping cough in Brazil by MS-SUS. Pernambuco had, I believe, 60 municipalities with measles in 2014. Official recommendation was Secretary of health of the State of Pernambuco that measles vaccination was made throughout the population vulnerable in these municipalities and who had some contact with the affected in these municipalities. 

  • This finding explains why the microcephaly appears all over the State of Pernambuco, at the same time. But this is only the initial peak of microcephaly for PE. The peak width, has to do with the notification becomes compusória. Current notifications no longer has to do with the triple vaccine. The current state of 15 cases per day of microcephaly in Pernambuco is related to DTP vaccination, Dtwp (and its other acronyms) for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, administered to all pregnant women from the sixth month of pregnancy.

RECOMMENDATIONS to stop any vaccination of pregnant or young people in the fertile period in all Brazil.
It is very easy to check what I ( Dr. PB ) present here: 
-----1) just analyze the wallets of vaccination of mothers with children with microcephaly, for example;
-----2) Do the cross-municipal vaccination station in 60 municipalities of PE with the occurrence of microcephaly with measles vaccination;
-----3) With full official figures, every State of the Federation may have cause-and-effect curves plotted for microcephaly;
-----4) to ascertain the responsibilities of all institutions and their officials, people representatives contituídos, for errors and procedures that are causing this large number of cases of microcephaly throughout the country; and
---- 5) End with this apparent hoax that claims to the ZIKA does by microcephaly cases in the country, when we have two glaring causes that explain the why of absurd quantodade of cases of microcephaly in Brazil.

  • FINAL NOTE : I put myself at the disposal of the MPF for further clarification and to transfer the large amount of documents, materials and scientific articles I checked, to assist the investigations. "

-------Dr. Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho.
22 January 2016.

PS..  Quote from another article:   "In late 2014, the Ministry of Health of Brazil announced the introduction of the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccine for all pregnant women in that country as part of its routine vaccination program. The move was aimed at trying to contain the resurgence of pertussis in Brazil." 

Posted on Aug 17, 2016

Update: December 2016

What a surprise. The CDC and Pharma has been given their money and

ZIka is no longer an emergency anymore, but the truth about why there

was microcephaly in Brazil will never be told because there will be

vaccines to sell.

UPDATE: October 2016 

Months of printing fear-inducing "Zika terrorism" stories that scared the public

while convincing the government to funnel billions of dollars into Zika vaccine

research for Big Pharma, the Washington Post now admits it had no idea what it was talking about.

But rather than admitting its own science writers were mere propagandists pushing false infectious disease narratives as news, the paper now blames other scientists for the gross error by publishing a headline that's once again dishonest and deceptive: "Scientists are bewildered by Zika's path across Latin America," it proclaims.

Bewildered about "Zika's path?" The story headline should actually read, "Zika False-Flag revealed... it doesn't cause brain damage after all."

"Nearly nine months after Zika was declared a global health emergency, the virus has infected at least 650,000 people in Latin America and the Caribbean, including tens of thousands of expectant mothers.

But to the great bewilderment of scientists, the epidemic has not produced the wave of fetal deformities so widely feared when the images of misshapen infants first emerged from Brazil."

Only those scientists who didn't take note that the pregnant women in Brazil, who had children with microcephaly were drinking water laced with pesticides and being given DPT shots while pregnant, will be bewildered.

But now everyone has their money and a vaccine is in the pipeline (how convenient) - let's see how long it takes for this hoax to play itself out. And once it does.... watch out there will be another infectious disease scare coming because there are many mouths to feed in the military-pharma-governmental complex.

What follows is the original post from early 2016:

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside, a virus that has been known about for decades suddenly turns nasty and starts eating the brains of babies in the womb. It sounds like a bad Science Fiction movie, but it is not a movie yet. OMG, there have been 4000 cases of microcephaly in Brazil in a 4 month period. But DON'T PANIC.

You see in the good old USA, there were over 6000 cases - because there are 25,000 cases of microcephaly every year in the USA and no Zika virus.

Now, wait a darn minute here.

Is somebody trying to pull something (again)?

Look... we have got to stop falling for this crap. 99% OF THOSE Brazilian mom's don't even have any evidence they were infected. There is no evidence the virus has spread - this is a made-up HOAX.


UPDATE 2/16/16.....this is a spoiler but today the Ministry of Health in Brazil stopped putting pesticides in the water supply of the town most infamous for the microcephaly cases.


On May 15, 2010, researchers Brazilian researchers published a study titled “Correlation Between Pesticide Use in Agriculture and Adverse Birth Outcomes in Brazil: An Ecological Study” on Spring Science+Business Media, LLC

( )


From the study's  abstract:


“This ecological study analyzed the association between pesticide use and prematurity, low weight and congenital abnormality at birth, infant death by congenital abnormality, and fetal death in Brazil in 2001. Simple linear regression analysis has determined a positive association between pesticide use and prematurity, low birth weight, and congenital abnormality.


The association between pesticide use and low birth weight (p = 0.045) and, congenital abnormality (p = 0.004) and infant death rate by congenital abnormality (p = 0.039) remained after the adjustment made by the proportion of pregnant women with a low number of prenatal care visits.”


From the paper itself:

“Brazil accounts for approximately 50% of the agricultural pesticides consumed in Latin America (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria 2005). Its use increased after the implementation of agriculture financing in the 70’s (Waissmann 2007) and, recently, with the implementation of the National Family Farm Program – PRONAF (Kageyama 2003).


From 1995 to 2005, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and acaricides were, in decreasing order, the most consumed types of pesticides in the country especially in soy, sugarcane, cotton, corn, and citrus crops (Ministerio da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento 2005).


Exposure to agricultural pesticides in the Brazilian population has been monitored through the National Program for Food Residues Analysis – PARA, which was implemented in 2001. This program was able to identify nonauthorized agricultural pesticides or pesticide levels above the maximum limit permitted in food samples.


Some pesticides detected by the PARA, such as endosulfan, acephate, chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, and methamidophos (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria 2009), are the active ingredients for the development of endocrine disruption and reproductive toxicity, therefore increasing risks of adverse events on the human fetus (Peiris-John and Wickremasinghe 2008).


Experimental studies have shown that many agricultural pesticides have an impact on production, release, transport, metabolism, and elimination of hormones that regulate homeostasis and other developmental processes (Woodruff et al. 2008).


In the human species, the exposure of one or both parents to agricultural pesticides have been related to prematurity risk increase (Fenster et al. 2006), low birth weight (Whyatt et al. 2004), congenital abnormality (Bell et al. 2001), and fetal death (Longnecker et al. 2005), among other reproductive health problems.”


The WHO is either being played for a fool or they are in on it:


There are poverty-stricken places in Brazil where people die from all the pesticides running into the water and soil. The ZIka virus made that happen YOU KNOW. There are flop houses where the plumbing is broken and human waste floods all the toilets - the Zika virus made that happen YOU KNOW. There are places in the so-called ground zero city - the city of Recife - where the industrial pollution is so great people's immune systems are failing, but the Zika virus made that so, because the WHO said it was so. 


What about the WHO?


But what else is different about the pregnant mothers in Brazil that might have contributed to increased cases of microcephaly – what other co-factor could be involved. There was a very aggressive campaign in Brazil to vaccinate all pregnant women with the TDAP vaccine that went into effect about 7 months before this epidemic of microcephaly developed. Normally, this vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women because there are no safety studies to justify its use in this population and it is easy to say there is no evidence of risk when no one has actually looked for eviden ce of ri sk. There is no question both the WHO and public health authorities in Brazil have been anxious to use pregnant women as target population to give multiple vaccines.[1]

How could a vaccine contributed to an epidemic of microcephaly?


Right now I have seen nothing to convince me the Zika virus was not already endemic and is not actually spreading, it is just that everyone is looking for it now.


An article that appeared in one of the major Sao Paulo newspapers, O Estado de São Paulo, on February 2nd, "País tem 404 casos confirmados de microcefalia":
Here are the principal facts in the article that have been posted in an English translation (

* As of January 30, 2015, 4,783 suspected cases of microcephaly were reported in Brazil.

* Of those, 3,670 suspected cases of microcephaly, covering the entire country of Brazil, are being investigated.

* Of those 3,670, 404 cases have been confirmed as microcephaly or "other alterations in the central nervous system" of babies.

* Of those 404 cases, 17 "had a relationship with zika virus."

* 98% of the 404 microcephaly cases come from the Northeast area of Brazil, and in that area, Pernambuco has the highest number of cases: 56.


Seventeen cases connected to the Zika virus? And this is the cause of a Global Infectious Disease Emergency by the WHO?


[1] Safety of Immunization during Pregnancy A review of the evidence Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety © World Health Organization 2014


Now check out:


But as you may not read Portuguese here is the translation:


Study author: Dr. Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho, PhD. Study Conducted and signed complaint by the public prosecutor. Worth checking out.

"Microcephaly in Pernambuco and Brazil. I just make a complaint signed by the Federal prosecutors. See below: complaint of Crime against the Brazilian population, a string of mistakes and coarse procedures carried out by the Ministry of health, SUS, their associated institutes and their authorities constituted, which provoked and continue provoking the current crisis of MICROCEPHALY (MC) in all Brazil. More detailed and specific analysis of data and facts relating to the State of Pernambuco.

Author: Dr. Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho, PhD post doc by the universities of Harvard, Washington University in St. Louis and North Carolina State University; Doctor by Washington University in St. Louis; Master and Bachelor's degree in physics from UFPE; Areas of expertise: magnetic resonance imaging, with work in neurology, prostate, Solid State Physics, among others.

SUMMARY OF THIS COMPLAINT the crisis of Microcephaly (MC) that emerged in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, with a maximum spike of cases in November 2015, not due to the virus ZIKV and nor is an epidemic. Four facts-main cause exist and clearly explain the data, case numbers and periods of notifications.

The data here report and analysis are under the public domain, in the press and Ministry of health, and can be verified. I was not allowed access to more complete and accurate data, which, in my view, would make this complaint even more evident, indent the peak Microcephaly in Pernambuco back in time in a month or more. Bind me to the State of Pernambuco, in great part of this complaint, because that's what has data released to the public more fully and is also the starting point of the compulsory notification of MC in Brazil.

The 4 facts-causes that explain the temporal behavior of the chart that I present are:

A) The maximum peak number of cases in Pernambuco corresponds to a first quarter of gestation between January and April 2015 with microcefálicos births. This is due to the vaccination of women of fertile period against measles with the triple vaccine, which contains live virus of rubella. In Ceará, this vaccination against measles in women in the fertile period with the triple vaccine continued until mid-April;

B) the alarming number of cases, which begin to appear in August-October 2015, causes the reserve, by the Ministry of health, Microcephaly notification throughout the country. The obligation of notification by the Ministry of health increases the peak and extends the graphical curve around its maximum;

C) the cause that led to the peak of cases of microcephaly in November 2015, us data to Pernambuco, is thin and is replaced, today, by another fact-that although the initial notifications, was little evident. In November 2014, the Ministry of health include Diphtheria, tetanus vaccination and Pertussis in prenatal Protocol of pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy, from the sixth month of pregnancy.


D) the peak of cases of Dengue fever in the State of Pernambuco is between 20 March and 10 April 2015 and that would require, by Association, since we have the same mosquito vector, a peak on the graph of Microcephaly between late December and early January 2016 and not in November 2015 as we had. That, by itself, put possible effects of ZIKV to cause Microcephaly in essential smaller and not as the main cause of Microcephaly.

Presentation and ANALYSIS of the GÁFICOS ANNEXES is necessary to remember that a human pregnancy has about 9 months.

The graph of Microcephaly in Pernambuco, notification-by-notification in time, shows an event with a maximum at about 20 November 2015, red curve; all of the reported cases is presented in BLUE curve.

The curves are based on very simple statistic, as used for analysis of epidemics. The number of cases is associated with its instant notification in time.

Three colorful rectangles record, on the graph, regions of interest:

I) the red rectangle, of 20 September 2015 to 18 January 2016, mark the area of the curve with Microcephaly notifications in Pernambuco;

II) taking up the center of the red rectangle and retreating all this red rectangle 9 months at the time, a pregnancy, have the violet rectangle. The violet rectangle corresponds to the region in time of 1 January to 30 April 2015. A birth of microcefálico on the red rectangle has, necessarily, a beginning of gestation in the violet rectangle, data on average 9 months earlier;

III) the yellow rectangle, from 8 November to 31 December 2015, corresponds to the vaccination against measles in Pernambuco by SUS. Due possibly to the soccer World Cup, many States and mostly in the Northeast, have submitted measles in almost epidemic, between 2013 and 2014;

IV) the red curve and thin between 15 February and 30 June 2015, with its maximum in early April, registers, for completeness this complaint, the Dengue epidemic in Pernambuco to 2015.

FACTS-causes, from A to D above: A) DPT: public and official calls for vaccination against measles in Pernambuco, by the Ministry of health and SUS, were from 8 November to 31 December 2014. This was due to hundreds of cases of measles in PE and CE.

In Ceará, vaccination was extended until mid-April 2015 and even with visitation for vaccination. Official calls, the call is made to the vaccination of women of fertile period against measles. If the woman in fertile period to get pregnant within 3 months after vaccination or if you are pregnant, at the beginning of pregnancy and not know it, the effects of Rubella triple vaccine Virus are devastating to the fetus and are known for decades. Brain, Visual problems or heart in the fetus/newborn can be facimente found in the literature due to rubella.

What currently publicizing how being ZIKV is easily associated with rubella. And we had a big vaccination with MMR vaccine in Pernambuco in late 2014. According to the chart of Microcephaly for Pernambuco, fig. 1, the maximum of the curve matches and can be associated with the triple vaccine used for measles. Microcephaly is so the side effect of rubella component of the triple vaccine for Measles, Mumps and Rubella. This error is grotesque and there was.

We must also bear in mind that the rubella virus causes, when not abortion, congenital rubella syndrome and microcephaly is just a manifestation of the classical triad: microcephaly, deafness and cataracts.

View the Pernambuco Health Secretary at the time:…

This call was made by the various departments of health for the Northeast, on the recommendation of the Ministry of health.

Due to the triple vaccine in women in fertile period, cases of Microcephaly will continue until nine months after the termination of this vaccination, over the initial period of operation of this vaccine in the body of the young, which gives us a total of at least 12 months after the vaccine has been taken.

As another example, here's a fact for calls for vaccination of measles in Ceará:…

NOTE This is not the case with the triple vaccine vaccination in pregnant women. This may have happened, but not error I believe have been the norm. I refer to women who became pregnant after if new men.

We have our big end-of-year festivities of 2014 and 2015 Carnival. The graphics point to beginning of pregnancy between January and April 2015 in Pernambuco. And the effect of rubella vaccination lasts for months and these would be associated with the first trimester of pregnancy.

Also, I'm not referring to the expired or contaminated vaccines, in this case of vaccination against measles with the triple. I state that the vaccination was effective and far-reaching in clinics of Pernambuco.

The Microcephaly presented 9, 10, 11 or 12 months after a young fertile have been vaccinated with the MMR is due to rubella vaccine component.

EXAMPLE Please note this possible dialogue between an attendant in a health clinic and a young woman who was taking a measles vaccine: — I came to take the vaccine for measles. An acquaintance of mine is measle.

Are you pregnant?

— Don't.

Its portfolio of vaccination ... etc.

The young woman gets pregnant in the next 3-4 months and we have a pretty high percentage of cases of involvement of the central nervous system of the fetus, due to contamination of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Nothing more clear than that to explain how in Pernambuco the Microcephaly appears unreasonable numbers in November 2015, from the coast to the hinterland, at the same time.

The measles vaccination has been satisfactory in the State officially, according to the State Health Department.

The explosion of Microcephaly in Pernambuco causes the next fact-if: B), below.

B) COMPUSÓRIA NOTIFICATION: the alarming number of cases, which begin to appear in August-October 2015, causes the reserve, by the Ministry of health, Microcephaly notification throughout the country. The obligation of notification increases the peak of the curve in the graph and extending around the peak to Pernambuco.

Here in Pernambuco existed considerable obstacles, even for doctors, to deepen in the microcephaly in State Department of health. The SES received the Declaration of Born Alive (DNV) of every State to digitize and so centralized data. It turns out that DNV does not contain the anthropometric data of cephalic perimeter, only birth weight, gestational age and Apgar score.

Congenito defect notification (including microcephaly) was dependent on the observation of the declarant (a pediatrician). Therefore, the only true way of accessing data on microcephaly was searching the records of active maternity.

Probably because of this, the Ministry of health makes the compulsory notification of cases of microcephaly throughout Brazil in late October 2015. But it is unclear at this point if all States notify all of your cases.

C) DTP VACCINE AFTER the SIXTH MONTH of PREGNANCY: it wasn't the "error" operational due to vaccination of young men in the fertile period against measles in the Northeast, would hardly know the effect of DTP vaccine that is leading to Microcephaly in all Brazil at present.

In November 2014, the Ministry of health includes the tdap vaccine against Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis in prenatal Protocol of pregnant women in the last trimester of gestation, i.e., from the sixth month of pregnancy. The cause which led to the peak of cases of microcephaly in November 2015, in Pernambuco, is thin and is replaced, today, for this other fact-that although the initial notifications, was little evident.

In 2014, great public disclosure was made as the great dependence of the tdap vaccine (acellular means) as part of the Protocol national prenatal pregnant women. It was aired a deal between MS-SUS to transfer manufacturing technology of dTpa in Brazil, with the technical support of the laboratory GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK).

The Butantan Institute, which only produced and still produces the DTP or Dtwp (with living bacteria Bordetella Pertussis, whooping cough mitigated) for the national immunization program, would produce the vaccine without the bacteria alive the tdap vaccine, used in the first world.

The DTP vaccine is no longer manufactured by most of the pharmaceutical industries of the world. SUS uses the DTP to vaccinate children from 2 months to 7 years. It was also announced, in 2014, the Ministry of health had acquired the dTpa in the international market, 4 million doses, at the cost of R$ 87.2 million, which would cover the 2.9 million pregnant women and adults in 2015, but that gradually would replace the DTP for tdap for all.…

The problem with the DTP or Dtwp vaccine (attenuated), which stopped being used in the United States in 1995, is that it causes, among other pathologies, microcephaly. This is where the problem appears: a) in mid-2015, the Ministry of Health announces he can't buy the dTpa in the international market, as it is in "lack" and announces his return by penta-Valent vaccine, manufactured in Brazil by the Instituto Butantan.

This is rather strange because on the private network of health of Brazil, a pregnant woman can take, paying, the tdap that he is not at fault.

Wonder where they got the 4 milnões doses of tdap for pregnant women and health personnel and employed in 2015?

Why in 2105 any and all mention of the technology transfer agreement for the production of tdap with GSK vanish in Brazil?

Also, the tdap vaccine is not recommended for use in pregnant women by the laboratories that manufacture, and it is written in the package inserts of these vaccines.…

D) ZIKV: A cause and effect due to ZIKV necessarily accompany the epidemic caused by the mosquito vector. It's not the BLUE curve, fig. 2, features.

At this point, and since after the peak in Pernambuco, the curve tends to a constant cases per day, which requires, in any study of epidemics, a daily constant cause of contamination.

The mosquito vector, Aedes Aegypti, is the same as for yellow fever, Dengue, Chikungunya and ZIKV. It is reasonable to consider, at least in the first order, that the period of an epidemic of dengue fever would be associated with an outbreak of ZIKV in time. It's the same mosquito. The incubation period for dengue fever in humans ranges from 4 to 10 days, with an average of 5 to 6 days; After this period the symptoms of dengue fever; for the ZIKV it is under study at the moment. But the number of cases per day is too high and presents itself as a constant, an average of 15 cases a day since the end of November of 2015.

The cause of constant effect, cases of microcephaly, requires a constant contamination. The DTP VACCINE, the version used by the MS-SUS is this cause, because all pregnant women should be vaccinated after the sixth month of pregnancy. We have here a constant which did not exist before November 2014 and that explains why the whole Brazil est ´ å showing cases of microcephaly.

To ZIKV the curve would be increasing, following the increase of aedes, as we have in the official propaganda in whatever right now. But the chart behavior requires a CONSTANT cause. Dengue in Pernambuco was between February 15 to the end April. That would mean, if it was the ZIKV, which is the same aedes of dengue, a major contamination in this period. This would displace the curve of microcephaly for mid-January 2016 and this would not be in November 2015.

The peak of dengue which is in 15 April, would cause a region of cases centered on January 15 as we have here.

Dengue in PE 2015…

Question, also, one of the markers used for the identification of the ZIKV, the IgG, that appears on contamination by rubella/rubella, which makes specific, requiring thus a search for ZIKV's DNA, or a specific marker and single, to validate the presence of ZIKV tests on samples from infants with microcephaly.

CONCLUSION By that show, the causes that provoked and provokes the large number of cases of microcephaly in Pernambuco are associated with vaccines 2: a) DPT mistakenly administered to young people in the fertile period and b) the vaccine used to whooping cough in Brazil by MS-SUS. Pernambuco had, I believe, 60 municipalities with measles in 2014. Official recommendation was Secretary of health of the State of Pernambuco that measles vaccination was made throughout the population vulnerable in these municipalities and who had some contact with the affected in these municipalities. This finding explains why the microcephaly appears all over the State of Pernambuco, at the same time. But this is only the initial peak of microcephaly for PE. The peak width, has to do with the notification becomes compusória. Current notifications no longer has to do with the triple vaccine. The current state of 15 cases per day of microcephaly in Pernambuco is related to DTP vaccination, Dtwp (and its other acronyms) for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, administered to all pregnant women from the sixth month of pregnancy.

RECOMMENDATIONS to stop any vaccination of pregnant or young people in the fertile period in all Brazil.

It is very easy to check what I present here: 1) just analyze the wallets of vaccination of mothers with children with microcephaly, for example;

2) Do the cross-municipal vaccination station in 60 municipalities of PE with the occurrence of microcephaly with measles vaccination;

3) With full official figures, every State of the Federation may have cause-and-effect curves plotted for microcephaly;

4) to ascertain the responsibilities of all institutions and their officials, people representatives contituídos, for errors and procedures that are causing this large number of cases of microcephaly throughout the country; and 5) End with this apparent hoax that claims to the ZIKV does by microcephaly cases in the country, when we have two glaring causes that explain the why of absurd quantodade of cases of microcephaly in Brazil.

FINAL NOTE put myself at the disposal of the MPF for further clarification and to transfer the large amount of documents, materials and scientific articles I checked, to assist the investigations. "

Dr. Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho.

22 January 2016.





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